This to shall come to pass . . . Poem

it’s deep in the winter, as cold as the north pole.

The rain is too much causing floods.

the sun is way to hot, causing burns.

Remember it shall all come to pass, so enjoy it.


Am a baby, I can’t walk.

I can walk, but I walk and fall, I want my feet to be strong.

I can run but now I want to fly.

Enjoy every stage cause it shall come to pass.


Today am depressed, cause she left me.

Yesterday I was happy cause she said yes.

Tomorrow I will cry cause she would be gone.

All this shall come to pass.


Am alone,

Tomorrow I would be dating,

Someday I would have grand children running around.

It all will come to pass.


As we go through life lets remember everything will come too pass, one day the dutchman would die, so like and share him today. thanks





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