Cheer for me, cheer for my generation – A poem

cheer for me am young, and the future.

Cheer for me, am still fighting even when I think am losing.

Cheer for me, the world is not the same.

Cheer for me, even with stitches I still haven’t given up.

Cheer for us, my generation is endangered.

cheer for us, our fathers tell us they are better, yet expect us to be better.

Cheer for us, we are more distracted, and more pressured.

Cheer for us, we don’t have homes anymore.

Cheer for me, I believe we are what the world needs.

Cheer for her, homes are gonna become the bedrock of the society again.

cheer for us, we are a broken generation, yet filled with love.

Cheer for me, someone cheered you this far

Cheer for me, I need someone to keep me going.

Cheer for me, am tired of cheering for me.

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